Australia’s bastard horde of pillaging plunderers Cauldron Black Ram sail the high seas again, producing a full length decree for the first time in six years. Slaver presents ten sordid new tales of grim malevolence and dishonorable miscreants. The experienced hand of decades renders this singularly underground beast adept in the dark arts of skulduggery and churning, sodden death deliverance, a task of which they partake with cruel delight. Though rising from their watery tombs only infrequently, the burglarious villains of Cauldron Black Ram uniquely slay their enemies with demented grooves, blackened thrash malice and sludgy death metal barbarity. The lash of the whip hangs heavy on Slaver, and the stench of war torn lands, scorched villages and wanton thievery seeps from the thick heavy atmosphere. A declaration of desperate yet almighty blows, rending limbs and dimming hopes...